Feb 16, 2024

Your engine oil is the lifeblood of your Ford, and failing to change it regularly can lead to a cascade of problems that can cost you and your beloved vehicle dearly in the long run. Here are some of the issues that we here at your local Ford dealer have seen come up in vehicles that don’t get a regular oil change.

Engine Wear and Tear

One of the primary consequences of not changing engine oil regularly is increased engine wear and tear. Oil lubricates the engine’s moving parts, reducing friction and preventing premature wear. Over time, dirty and depleted oil loses its lubricating properties, leading to increased friction, heat, and ultimately, engine damage.

Reduced Fuel Efficiency

Dirty oil can also reduce your Ford’s fuel efficiency. As the oil becomes contaminated with impurities and sludge, it becomes thicker and less effective at lubricating the engine. This increased friction results in a higher demand for energy, leading to decreased miles per gallon and higher fuel costs.


Failure to change the oil regularly can also cause your Ford’s engine to overheat. As the oil loses its ability to dissipate heat, the engine’s temperature can rise to dangerous levels, potentially causing severe damage. Overheating can lead to blown gaskets, warped cylinders, and even engine seizure, all of which are costly to repair.

Decreased Engine Performance

A well-maintained engine runs smoothly and delivers optimal performance. When oil is neglected, carbon deposits can build up on the engine’s components, reducing its efficiency. This can result in sluggish acceleration, reduced power output, and an overall decrease in your Ford’s performance.

Costly Repairs

Ignoring changing your engine’s oil regularly can lead to a host of expensive repairs. Engine damage, transmission issues, and even a complete engine replacement can become necessary when oil-related problems are left unaddressed. These repairs can easily run into thousands of dollars.

Shortened Engine Lifespan

The cumulative effect of all these issues is a shortened engine lifespan. A well-maintained Ford can last for many years, but neglecting oil changes can significantly reduce its longevity. Replacing an engine prematurely simply from not changing out the oil regularly is a costly and avoidable situation.

Voided Warranty

If your Ford is still under warranty, failure to adhere to the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance schedule, which includes regularly changing out the engine oil, could void your warranty. This means you would be responsible for all repair costs, even if the issue could have been covered by the warranty.

For all your Ford maintenance needs, including changing out that engine oil, contact Bob-Boyd Ford today. Our team of skilled technicians here in Lancaster, OH, is ready to keep your Ford in top condition, ensuring you enjoy years of trouble-free driving.